Mission: guaranteeing a continuous water supply for the inhabitants of Guayaquil, Ecuador.
More than 3 million inhabitants of the city of Guayaquil, i.e. approx. 28% of the national population, get their drinking water in 28 municipalities from the Daule River, via the La Toma treatment plant.
The La Toma operating system is based on 3 treatment plants (Planta Nueva, Planta Lurgi and Planta Convencional) which treat water pumped from the river.
The Neptuno project
Currently two Ø1,800 pumping lines serve the Planta Nueva, which can handle a flow rate of up to 10m3/s. Above this rate, the pumps stop. This is a regular occurrence. On the other hand, Planta Convencional is below its treatment capacity.
The aim of the Neptuno project is therefore to create a bypass (Ø900) between the two plants automatically routing excess flow that cannot be handled by the first plant to the second one.
On this project, SADE is working on networks and infrastructure for Interagua including:
- setup of 2 service pipe connections on Ø 1,800 to Ø900 lines,
- replacement of 2 flowmeters on Ø1,800 lines
- laying of 250m of Ø900 steel bypass piping
- installation of a flowmeter and a floodgate chamber on the bypass line
- construction of a 6m tower (Planta Convencional) and 2 hangars
- setup of SCADA instrumentation and systems to automate the bypass system
This bypass is currently under construction and the works will be finished in August 2021.
Plus urgent works, too!
Also on request from Interagua, the teams began urgently cleaning the entire 6A clarifier at the Planta Nueva plant, which was blocked up, meaning it got saturated too quickly, causing the pumps to shut down. In just a month, it was mission accomplished!