Current projects
77 over the last 3 years and SADE has no plans on stopping any time soon!
These simple, sturdy, 100 to 200m³, on average 20m-high water towers are designed to supply multiple rural communities in Senegal.
They previously consumed surface water or water from shallow wells, which are both vectors of multiple diseases and becoming depleted due to the widespread lowering of water tables in this region of the Sahel.
In addition to the construction of these water towers, nearly 1,000km of PVC pipes have been laid, plus hundreds of livestock drinking troughs, standpipes for villagers and brackets for carts have been set up.
For one of the recent PEPAM (Programme d’Eau Potable et d’Assainissement du Millénaire, i.e. Millennium Drinking Water and Sanitation Programme) projects, a treatment phase was added to the traditional works. This included the setup of metering pumps for chlorination and mini iron removal plants, developed with SADE Ingénierie, based on the following specs: usability and practically zero maintenance.
Hats off to Victor SONDO (Project Manager) and his teams who criss-crossed the country from the arid Ferlo to the mythical and mystical Casamance to ensure the smooth running of these projects.
There’s more to come!