Major projects
ZI Koumassi
BP 1724 – 01 ABIDJAN
Tél : (00 225) 21 36 22 15 ; (00 225) 21 36 13 68
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Construction of the fountain in the Parc de l’Emergence (Cocody)
PRICI (Projet de Renaissance des Infrastructures de Côte d’Ivoire, i.e. project for the renewal of infrastructures in the Ivory Coast) selected Franzetti Ivory Coast to build a fountain in the Parc du Carrefour de l’Emergence in the municipality of Cocody, in addition to various ancillary works.
Construction of the Pont de la Fraternité bridge
Construction of the Pont de la Fraternité bridge
Franzetti Ivory Coast built a bridge connecting Ivory Coast to Guinea. Standing from 8 to 12m above the water, this bridge’s main span stretches 137m across the Gbahanla River. The bridge has been baptised the “bridge of brotherhood” and was built in 2 months.
Franzetti Ivory Coast built a bridge connecting Ivory Coast to Guinea. Standing from 8 to 12m above the water, this bridge’s main span stretches 137m across the Gbahanla River. The bridge has been baptised the “bridge of brotherhood” and was built in 2 months.
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