In addition to SADE’s traditional work in Networks and Infrastructures, the Rouen Regional Division offers specific solutions for:
- working on networks of all materials and diameters (drinking water, wastewater, rainwater & industrial fluids);
- rehabilitating installations using various techniques: lining, sheathing, slip lining, circular liners, injections, etc;
- the installation and inspection of backflow prevention devices;
- designing and constructing wastewater treatment plants;
- designing and constructing civil engineering structures: retention basins, pits, manholes, technical drainage channels, etc;
- the construction of foundation blocks for wind turbines;
- maritime and river works;
- industrial maintenance works and fire protection networks;
- work on district heating networks;
- network asset management with controlled costs and timescales: from audit and diagnosis (in particular with the Canascan solution to determine the health of networks and their expected lifespan) to optimisation and maintenance.
Our references
Where are we?
Regional Division